Melody Germain is wearing “Dynasty” in 1B Black.
“Dynasty” is one of our Long Gorgeous Lace Front Units (wigs).💖
“Change It Up” this Valentine’s Day or Any Day!
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Calling All Our Fun & Fabulous Drag Queens who Enjoy “Gettin Wiggy With It”
Accessorize your Wardrobe & Individuality with different Hairstyles & Colors while Protecting your Natural Hair☺️
- Canada Wigs
- Local Calgary Delivery
- Shipping within Canada 🇨🇦 & USA 🇺🇸
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Celebrate “Pride” with our “Love is Love” Pin

About Owner Melody Germain
I have always had a passion for creativity and fashion. Throughout the years the creative piece was not only in the form of pen to paper but with clothing and accessories. Some of those accessories were in the form of hair pieces and weaves.
As a child I watched my Beautiful Mother rock Afro puffs and a variety of wigs, to which she still rocks today. At the advice of my husband I took to this path in 2018 and so glad I did. Wigs or what the industry refers to as "units" has opened a whole new arena for me, thus I am now "Gettin Wiggy With It" and perhaps you will too.